You may (or may not) have noticed, but I'm SO proud and excited to finally announce it formally here: I recently signed on to donate my time to a little organization called
Inspiration Through Art, formerly known as the Littlest Heroes Project. They organize and coordinate for many, many photographers in the US to donate sessions and images to families that qualify - families that have children that are battling serious life-long illnesses or disabilities.
Between the medical expenses, time spent going back and forth to doctor appointments (often times out of state), shuttling their other kiddos around, work, school, family life and the emotional aspects, you can image it is not easy in any way to take time out to book a family photography session. This is where someone like me comes in - I get matched with a qualified family, and voila! Fun times happen!
So needless to say, I'm THRILLED to be a part and even more thrilled and excited to introduce my very first Littlest Hero! Meet Eliana!
She is spunky, sweet, silly, funny and so, so so outgoing. She is the life of this party...already, at age 7! She's got
pulmonary hypertension - In the images below, you'll see a rockin' purse she sports - that holds her pump...that pumps vital medicine into her body 24 hours a day. She's got TONS of these purses I hear - I only got to see this cute little pink one. Eliana is a trooper - from the time I spent with them, I can tell she is a fighter. She's been through a lot more in her 7 years than many of us going through in our lifetimes. Rumor has it she's a trouble makin' middle child ;) and loves spending time with her siblings and dancing around.
I am so so glad Eliana is my first Hero... and loved getting the opportunity to meet her, her sister, brother, mom and dad. This family was sweet and friendly - and a perfect combo. They will hold a special spot with me.
- laura