
Here you'll find sneak peeks of recent sessions, exciting news and updates as well as some of my personal life sprinkled in. Grab your favorite snack and get comfy - feel free to stay awhile and browse around. So glad you found me :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tyler - Albuquerque NM Childrens Photographer

A little man at 18 months... Need I say more? :) Busy, silly, inquisitive, non-stop, funny and oh-so-sweet. And this little guy is like apple-pie-cinnamon-and-sugar sweet.

We hit downtown Albuquerque on an early overcast morning and finished up in the Bosque...one of my all time favorite places to shoot (and spend some good quality time with my kiddo too). One of my favorite things to do on a session with kiddos this age is let them explore and wander - play some games, sing some songs and just explore. It's fun to see things through a kiddo's eyes again and get down and dirty with them.

We played for a good 2 hours and rounded out our visit with me carrying him back to the car. Perfect ending to a perfect session.

Thanks Jen and Tyler for being up for anything and going along with my wild urban ideas! Until our next session...

- laura

My all.time.fave.


hcrjfrandall said...

These are awesome Laura! I LOVE your black and white conversions! He's so cute, what a great location too!

Laura Zander said...

Oh my what a little heartbreaker! Look at those beautiful blues...these are awesome Laura :)

Veronica Starr said...

just stopped to say HI! and what a little cutie this kid is! love the b/w on the tree!

Summer said...

His eyes are too cute and that look on his face is already a heartbreaker!