
Here you'll find sneak peeks of recent sessions, exciting news and updates as well as some of my personal life sprinkled in. Grab your favorite snack and get comfy - feel free to stay awhile and browse around. So glad you found me :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Feeling - Albuquerque, NM Custom Children's Photograper

I'm always learning...whether it's photography related or not. My most recent learning lesson? Shooting for me. I don't always have to or need to worry about the technical aspects of each shot taken... especially if it's for me.

I try to do this in my family/children/maternity/newborn/couple sessions too. I've gotta FEEL an image and let it speak to me and my emotions. I try to think about what my clients will feel or think upon seeing their memories captured with a click.
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