I am so beyond thrilled to finally be able to show these! One day, with Mama and Dada both off for a good chunk of time and my own kiddo napping, my camera and I had some private time with Sophia. With just us, she HAMMED it up for the camera...smiling, posing, giving me shy little glances, giggling, and at the end? She got REALLY curious and brave :) Little did I know, a mere 2 days later she would be shy and distracted during her birthday photo session.
I'm hoping I was able to catch a small piece of the "real" Sophia for Mama and Dada. My kiddo is as shy as they come... and knowing that, I can never expect to have any pictures of her (from another photographer) that REALLY, really, really capture *her*.
My big goal when photographing anyone (but little ones especially) is to be able to truly capture them - their quirks, silly looks, little habits. I want to make sure those things peek through these moments in time... and can be captured for many years where you can look back and see those things; feel those things. Little ones grow so fast, and some of the sweet, silly and unique things go away so fast - faster than we want at times. It's important to capture what we can :)
Enjoy the many, many faces of Sophia Jayne!
- laura

This last one makes me giggle. I love seeing that inquisitive look on her face, her little tooth peeking out. Right after this - she grabbed my lens and then moved along to squish some ants.