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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 4 - Albuquerque Photographer

We love bringing birds to our yard year round to watch...Sometimes it can be so exhausting. Trying to keep the bird feeder full (which the birds can totally drain in one day), making sure there is fresh nectar for the hummingbirds and making sure the bird bath has water it in on hot summer days. In the winter, we then worry about stocking enough suet for the birds as well.

But over and over it pays off. We watch a HUGE variety of birds come and go (as well as other neat guys like lizards and dragonflies). There's even a few times we get a hawk on our back wall.

All of 3 of us enjoy watching the daily activities of the birds - making nest, eating, bathing, lounging in the shade....as long as we keep that feeder full!

- laura

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